I can't help but want spring to arrive.
I'm not certain if its the 2 feet of snow accumulating on our already shoveled ground or the tease of warmth and green grass we received last week. Either way, please spring, will you hurry up?
I realize I live in Minnesota, so as some say, "suck it up!"--But really how long must this sucking it up thing have to last? I've already "sucked up" -40 degree weather, I've already "sucked up" drifted roads with sneaky underlying ice skating rinks, and darn it, I've already "sucked up" almost 4 months of winter.....So AGAIN---when will the "sucking it up" STOP!?!?!
I am dreading my fearful drive home---white knuckles, squinty eyes and all.... The semi's and other larger vehicles cruising by me with there 4 wheel drive...and me in my little blue speck chugging away and praying to God I make it home.....
If you see me in the ditch on 169---please stop. I do have a little survival kit that my mother makes me keep in my car, I think the snickers bar is over 2 years old, and I'm not sure if I have a lighter to ignite the candle....But not to worry, I most definitely will not starve to death. ...
Today, I'm not so pleased to have a window view....I think I'm in a snow globe that some little kid hopped up on sugar shook crazy...
All I would like to do is crawl up on our couch with my boyfriend, OUR two cats..(he calls them mine, HA, didn't he know as soon as we moved in together that was a natural adoption!) and my snuggie that I received for Christmas.
(slap to face)--Reality check....I must have been dreaming, instead...I will work until 4pm, drive home and hopefully not die, and then work again until 9:30 pm...I need to do the dishes too...
Mother Nature-- enough already...I'm done "sucking it up!"
Gyro Meatball Bowls
1 week ago